Psalms of Praise

Jun 23, 2024    Pastor Brian Cropp

This video features a sermon by Associate Pastor Brian Cropp on the topic of hymns and their significance in Christian worship. He begins by addressing common misconceptions about hymns, clarifying that they are not just old-fashioned songs but rather songs of praise to God that can be written in contemporary language and musical styles.

Pastor Brian explores Psalm 98 as an example of a hymn, discussing its structure and themes of God's salvation and judgment. He breaks down the psalm into three sections:

1. The Lord as Judge (verses 7-9)

2. The Lord as Savior (verses 1-3)

3. How we should respond to God (verses 4-6)

Throughout the sermon, he addresses several key points:

1. The importance of singing in the Bible and Christian worship

2. The power of music to convey emotions and make ideas memorable

3. God's judgment and its implications for believers and non-believers

4. The assurance of salvation for those who have accepted Christ

5. The call to praise God joyfully and loudly

Pastor Brian emphasizes that God's judgment should be a cause for rejoicing among believers, as it represents the ultimate establishment of righteousness and justice. He explains that while this judgment may seem harsh, it is necessary due to humanity's inherent sinfulness and failure to meet God's standards.

The pastor discusses the concept of salvation through Jesus Christ, emphasizing that it is based on God's love and faithfulness rather than human efforts. He reassures believers that once they have accepted Christ, their salvation is secure and cannot be lost.

He encourages Christians to respond to God's salvation with exuberant praise and worship. He interprets Psalm 98 as a call to make joyful noise, sing, and use various instruments in worship. The sermon challenges the notion that Christian worship should be somber, instead advocating for celebratory and energetic expressions of faith.

Towards the end of the sermon, Brian offers practical applications:

1. For non-believers: Consider turning to Christ for salvation

2. For believers: Share the gospel boldly, including both the reality of judgment and the hope of salvation

3. For all: Engage in worship through singing, songwriting, and making joyful noise

The message concludes by emphasizing the importance of corporate worship, describing Sunday morning gatherings as joining a "holy choir before the king of all the universe." He encourages the congregation to leave as missionaries, proclaiming the good news of God's salvation in their daily lives.